What are the advantages of robotic welding?

What are the advantages of robotic welding?

Robotic welding systems offer consistency and repeatability that can lead to significant improvements in productivity and finished part quality. That better quality also helps reduce the time and money spent on rework. In addition, these systems can lower production costs by reducing waste and labor requirements. For example, a welding robot has the ability to lay down the same amount of weld metal each pass with limited supervision, eliminating the issue of over-welding and the associated filler metal waste and cost.

Such benefits translate to many applications in both large and small shops. Yet the investment in even one robotic cell in a smaller shop may result in welding automation taking over a higher percentage of the total welding output, for a potentially greater return on investment (ROI).

Likewise, while larger companies may have more resources to draw on when adding welding automation, smaller shops can potentially gain greater flexibility while adding automation. In some cases, the owner may frequently be on the shop floor, and employees may wear multiple hats. The outcome is a collaboration that can result in greater employee buy-in on the purchase and an innovative approach to gaining the best efficiencies. Still, a good rule of thumb for any shop considering robotic welding — small ones included — is to fully evaluate the welding operation and parts before making the purchase.